All Posts by: Rebecca Calejo

About Rebecca Calejo

Screen6 laucnhes idSync to solve the match rate challenge and is built to drive better results than today’s server-side syncs. idSync is the only server-to-server solution that precisely matches identifiers between ad tech platforms and exchanges to resolve user identity across desktop, mobile, and cookieless environments such as OTT connected TV and the Internet of Things.

Screen6 announced the launch of idSync, a new data syncing technology that precisely matches IDs between multiple datasets offline. idSync is not reliant on traditional cookie syncing to connect datasets but instead operates independently between platforms to support device matching and ID resolution for optimal match rates.

Screen6 launches idSync, a new data syncing technology that precisely matches IDs between multiple datasets offline. idSync is not reliant on traditional cookie syncing to connect datasets, but instead operates independently between platforms to support device matching and ID resolution for optimal match rates.

Today, platforms are heavily reliant on cookie-syncing in order to communicate about a common user. In this Knowledge Hub Video, Sharon Beynon, Technical Lead at Screen6, dives into how cookie-syncs work and why match rates are an important figure to understand.

Cross-device verification allows companies to compare the precision and coverage of each device graph to determine the best cross-device provider for their business. David de Jong, CEO of Screen6, shares how to properly calculate precision of a device graph and explains key points to consider when choosing a vendor.