Screen6 has launched the Screen6 Knowledge Hub, an online resource center where marketers can access white papers, videos, one-sheets and other materials designed to deepen the visitor’s expertise on the ever-changing cross-device landscape.
Visit Wicklow Mountains National Park with the Screen6 team as we plan our 2018 year and beyond.
Keith Petri, CSO of Screen6, was a contributor to the latest eMarketer report, covering eight challenges advertisers face with mobile measurement and targeting.
Screen6 has launched the solution to offer immediate cross-device user ID resolution. As the only identity provider to deliver this functionality, Screen6 is making it possible to build new associations within client graphs on an ongoing, real-time basis.
Amsterdam-based cross-device vendor Screen6 released a tool that CEO David de Jong says can add cookies to cross-device graphs in real time before they have a chance to decay.
David de Jong, CEO of Screen6, was featured in as one of the most promising entrepreneurs in the Netherlands under 35.
Screen6’s article “Is A Consortium The Universal ID Solution?” by CSO, Keith Petri, was featured as the 2nd most popular article of 2017 on The MakeGood.
Forrester Research interviewed our CEO, David de Jong, for its latest report on GDPR: “Digital Advertising Under GDPR Hinges On Data Management”.
Screen6 has announced the first wave of its preferred partners for The Hub – a centralized solution and data distribution point.
Screen6 launches an offering called The Hub that Chief Strategy Officer Keith Petri called “a DMP for platforms.”
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