
Today, platforms are heavily reliant on cookie-syncing in order to communicate about a common user. In this Knowledge Hub Video, Sharon Beynon, Technical Lead at Screen6, dives into how cookie-syncs work and why match rates are an important figure to understand.

Fresh data enables marketers to ensure their digital efforts are targeting consumers with the greatest inclination to purchase. Keith Petri, CSO of Screen6, explains the importance of data freshness and how it impacts campaign results.

Device graphs link an individual to all the devices they use, such as his/her smartphone, laptop, tablet, smart TV, or work computer. Learn about the differences between the two types of device graphs, Master and Private, in this short video by Keith Petri, CSO, of Screen6.

Cookies are the primary means by which ad tech platforms store and track information about users. Keith Petri, CSO of Screen6, provides details on what exactly cookies are and how they are used in the ad tech industry.