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By Tobi Elkin @tobielkin, April 3, 2017
In a bid to help advertisers target audiences more efficiently, Screen6 on Monday launched a new data feature that will enable it to identify all devices within a household. The provider of cross-device identity technology said the Advanced Householding feature aims to extend campaign reach while also eliminating waste associated with traditional household targeting tools. Those tools target individual IP addresses, assuming they represent a static postal address.
The company said Advanced Householding combines user-identification techniques such as intra-device connectivity, location, and usage patterns to track and cluster groups of connected devices with similar behaviors. By recognizing the devices that don’t fully align to a single individual’s behavior, Screen6 is able to assign these shared devices to a family or household.
“The average person has four devices, and the average household has nearly eight Internet-connected devices, including connected TVs and tablets, with many of these being shared by different people within the household. Marketers need the ability to group together devices that have a clear similarity,” stated Keith Petri, chief strategic officer, U.S.. of Screen6. The technology recognizes that IP addresses aren’t static and that there’s a dynamic relationship between multiple devices.
The technology enables marketers to individually target users within a household through existing cross-device features, or target the whole household. For example, a marketer can use the technology to convince households that have members with multiple devices to sign up for a promotion or opt into a program. And the number of devices can be properly counted, so, for example, tablets that are shared don’t add up to more than one device.