Advertisers have long been aware of the importance of monitoring frequency when it comes to their messaging. With the rise of the digital age and the countless new ad venues that it opened, advertisers recognized the need to avoid exposure to too many ad impressions, both as means of improving the user experience and ensuring their ad buys garner the needed reach.
Fresh data enables marketers to ensure their digital efforts are targeting consumers with the greatest inclination to purchase. Keith Petri, CSO of Screen6, explains the importance of data freshness and how it impacts campaign results.
There are two ways to establish user identity across devices: deterministic and probabilistic, or a hybrid of the two. Keith Petri, CSO of Screen6, describes how these methods work and dives into the pros and cons.
Cookies are the primary means by which ad tech platforms store and track information about users. Keith Petri, CSO of Screen6, provides details on what exactly cookies are and how they are used in the ad tech industry.
The cross-device landscape is one that’s rife with widespread misunderstandings. Anyone who gazes into their crystal ball and claims to have all the answers is likely wrong, writes Keith Petri, Chief Strategy Officer, Screen6, exclusively for ExchangeWire.
Recently, there have been a number of public discussions that cross-device addressability within OTT is easy to do and essentially a solved issue. However, this is not the case. Not even close. Keith Petri explains why on MarTech Series.
When it comes to cross-device, many vendors are using misleading language, like real-time. At Screen6, we believe “real-time” should mean exactly what it says.
Screen6 has launched the solution to offer immediate cross-device user ID resolution. As the only identity provider to deliver this functionality, Screen6 is making it possible to build new associations within client graphs on an ongoing, real-time basis.
Nearly every advertiser today understands the importance of cross-device tracking as it relates to delivering informed, seamless marketing and customer experiences. However, very few understand just how complicated and challenging.
Amsterdam-based cross-device vendor Screen6 released a tool that CEO David de Jong says can add cookies to cross-device graphs in real time before they have a chance to decay.
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