New York: Screen6, the leading provider of cross-device products, has launched the solution to offer immediate cross-device user ID resolution. As the only identity provider to deliver this functionality, Screen6 is making it possible to build new associations within client graphs on an ongoing, real-time basis. By allowing for persistent matching and deduplication of Unique IDs, Screen6 makes these identifiers that otherwise wouldn’t have been addressable available in real-time. This solution increases the overall match rates and value of a client’s cross-device graph.
Real-Time Identity Resolution addresses market challenges posed by new technology including Over-The-Top (OTT) inventory and Apple’s iOS 11 update with Intelligent Tracking Prevention (ITP). These inhibit the ability to persistently identify within the mobile web environment. Safari accounts for nearly half of all mobile web traffic in North America and a quarter in Europe, according to StatCounter.
Research conducted by Screen6 based on the analysis of trillions of server-to-server events shows that 40% of cookies decay within the first 24 hours due to the declining acceptance within browser environments. Screen6’s Real-Time Identity Resolution allows for a significant portion of this traffic to now become addressable.
“Most cross-device graph providers are updating their master graphs on a weekly basis,” said David de Jong, CEO of Screen6. “There is clearly a growing need for real-time matching, as is evidenced by our research into cookie decay and the growing impact of Safari iOS 11. By providing this real-time capability to clients, we enable a better user experience and deliver successful customer intelligence which will result in better marketing decisions and more effective cross-device campaigns.”
The Screen6 platform is built on proprietary server-to-server technology and allows clients to develop their marketing stacks with identity resolution at its core while retaining full control and ownership of their own data.